Wednesday, April 27, 2011


So, I haven't written in a really long time, but better late than never I suppose. :)

I hope everyone who reads this is doing wonderfully and staying healthy! :) Wow, I haven't written since I got home I guess. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family and I'm so blessed and happy to say that it was the first Christmas that I've ever had when I was NOT on IV medicine! I've only had one bout with rejection since my transplant and it was very minor and happened 3 months after transplant. It has now been 7 months, almost 8, and I haven't had any rejection since. I am staying in contact with my donor's family and I was so suprised to find out that he was a 57 year old man who was a priest. He was a terrific man/person and I am so honored to have a part of him with me forever. He is my hero.

I've also payed what I owe to Newberry College and have now applied to transfer to Charleston Southern University! I cannot wait to get back in to school! I can't imagine how school will be now. It was always really hard to study and wake up and get ready for class. But now, I feel like I will be able to study and do so much better on all of my assignments! I like how CSU is a Christian based school much like Newberry and it is small as well.

I'm going up to Newberry for graduation to see some of my very good friends graduate in May. I can't wait for that day! I have missed my Newberry friends so much these last couple of months and I want them to see me happy and healthy!!!! I'm also planning to move with my friend Sam to Charleston. I'm so excited to start my new life and finally be independent. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents with all of my heart and I appreciate everything they have ever and continue to do for me, but I also feel like it's time to go. Now that I am healthy, I feel like I can handle it without a problem. I will visit a lot, I know, haha.

Just thought I would update this thing and let y'all know how I am doing. I really can't say enough how wonderful I feel these days. I truly have a brand new life. It's like I started all over. I thank my donor everyday for his gift to me. There is no way to ever express my appreciation for this new life that I have and how thankful I am to him for making it possible. All the struggles and pain I've gone through in my life are worth just one second with my new lungs. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, no question. When I look back on everything that has happened in my life, I know now that it was preparing me for the way things are now. It is amazing how God's plan is unfolding right in front of my eyes these last 7 months. God made me such a strong person, and I have the strongest family. I am truly blessed in every aspect of my life.

Sorry for babbling on, I just have a lot on my mind lately ;) Love to everyone!!!! Thanks for reading and caring :)))) Write soon, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Grace! I'm glad to hear you are doing well and are able to get back in school. It's great what you found out about your donor. I still haven't written my donor family a letter, but I'm going to. Enjoy your new lungs! Isn't it wonderful to breathe without needing meds!?
