Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Journey Begins.......

So, obviously I haven't been on the computer in a while. But for good reason. I HAVE NEW LUNGS!!!!!!!! I am sore, but have done really well post-op.

At first, everything was pretty overwhelming, but I'm slowly getting used to my new lungs and also learning how to do everything normally again. I have to teach myself how to breathe in these new lungs because my brain is confused by these healthy things! It's a lot of work, but worth it in the end I know.  I'm retraining every muscle in my body because anesthesia has such an effect on the body during a major surgery. Even my throat muscles have to be trained. Not to mention I have 70 staples from arm pit to arm pit. That is one BA scar, lol.

I just want to thank everyone for praying for me during this whole process. This is one of the happiest/hardest/most exciting times of my life and I'm glad to have shared it with all of you. I will try to get on here and write more now that I'm feeling up to it. Hopefully with rehab and medicines I can fit in some blogging! :) Love Yall

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Call!

Just got my first call tonight! Hopefully, it's the ONLY call. They won't know if everything is a go until about 3 AM, so here i wait :///. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Hopefully next time I blog, I will have new lungs...tata for now!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, GREAT NEWS, I have officially been listed on the lung transplant list here at Duke!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!! Now all I have to do is....wait. And continue to get stronger. Today turned out to be really great because my Dad and brother and sister-in-law all came to visit, and then we got the good news! My brain is kind of all over the place right now with tons of different thoughts, but i just wanted to share the good news!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

6 Minute Walk

Today was officially my last test, the 6 minute walk of doom. Nah just kidding, but it was tough. They basically want to see how far you can walk in 6 minutes, i think they like to see around 1000 ft, but the more the better. She said I walked about 1050 ft, which was 3 laps around the unit here. After not walking pretty much at all for a month, except to the bathroom and around the house, I thought I did pretty good, and the docs were happy, so I'm happy. :)

It's weird how something like walking can make you nervous. I was so nervous for this test, like I could fail it or something. A nurse told me recently, "90% of what we worry about doesn't happen, and the other 10% doesn't happen the way you thought it would". I found that especially true today. Not being able to breathe can do funny things to you. I just have to slow down and think, "you HAVE air, you CAN breathe", that usually works. I've been learning a lot of relaxation techniques since I've been here. And I'll admit I thought that stuff was silly, but it really does work. It's amazing how much of our breathing is mental just as much as physical work.

I guess the walk wasn't too bad because I went for another 2 laps about 30 minutes ago, lol. Now I'm watching them GAMECOCKS!!! Could this night get any better? :) Love you all my Clemson fans :)

My Dad and brother and sister-in-law are coming up tomorrow so I am very excited about having some company. I'm glad someone will be here to stay with Mom for a few days. I'm weird about having people visit me when I'm so sick. I'm trying to get over that, haha. Just wanted to write a little update today, thanks for reading :) Love to Everyone :)))))