Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, GREAT NEWS, I have officially been listed on the lung transplant list here at Duke!! YAYYYYYYYY!!!! Now all I have to do is....wait. And continue to get stronger. Today turned out to be really great because my Dad and brother and sister-in-law all came to visit, and then we got the good news! My brain is kind of all over the place right now with tons of different thoughts, but i just wanted to share the good news!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Awesome News! When do you start Pulmonary Rehab?

  2. I am still in the hospital, so we are doing PT here. I'm not sure if I will get discharged before transplant time or not. My infection is kickin my butt right now so we are focused on that. But I'm walkin around everyday in here! Gettin stronger..slowly but surely! But I hope to come to rehab soon and meet all of you!:)

  3. Congrats Grace. Excellent news. GO DUKE!!!
