So, obviously I haven't been on the computer in a while. But for good reason. I HAVE NEW LUNGS!!!!!!!! I am sore, but have done really well post-op.
At first, everything was pretty overwhelming, but I'm slowly getting used to my new lungs and also learning how to do everything normally again. I have to teach myself how to breathe in these new lungs because my brain is confused by these healthy things! It's a lot of work, but worth it in the end I know. I'm retraining every muscle in my body because anesthesia has such an effect on the body during a major surgery. Even my throat muscles have to be trained. Not to mention I have 70 staples from arm pit to arm pit. That is one BA scar, lol.
I just want to thank everyone for praying for me during this whole process. This is one of the happiest/hardest/most exciting times of my life and I'm glad to have shared it with all of you. I will try to get on here and write more now that I'm feeling up to it. Hopefully with rehab and medicines I can fit in some blogging! :) Love Yall
Recovery is difficult! But the scar is pretty BA hehe. Good luck girl! Yay Duke!