Friday, October 1, 2010


Thank God It's Friday! :) This week was actually pretty good. Just the usual working out Monday, Doctors all day Tuesday, Working out Wednesday, 3 hour medicine on Thursday and shopping with mom ;), Work out today and then Dad came to visit for the weekend!

Therapy has been going really good and gets easier every time. I still use a walker to get around the track, but I walk around on my own around the apartment. I'm starting to find myself getting antsy when it's time to go because I WANT to go exercise so bad. It's amazing how good it makes you feel afterwards. I've made some cool friends there too, so that helps. It doesn't really feel like you are there from 12:30-4:30.

Sleeping is getting easier too, I can lay on my side for a few hours at a time, which is AWESOME because that's the only way I used to lay before when I slept. Sleeping on your back is just awkward to me for some reason. I still have to use a wedge though because of acid reflux and aspirating and all that junk. BUT, things are getting BETTER, and that's all that matters. My incision is healing nicely and so are the stitches where the tubes were.  

I just want to say thank you again to everyone who is praying and thinking about me during this time. It really means a lot to me. I just ask that you please keep my family especially my parents in your prayers as well because they are going through a lot right now as you can imagine. They have been so supportive and wonderful throughout this entire thing. Just pray for them, thank you :) I love all of yall, thanks for reading :)

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