Ok, so I have been very slack about keeping this updated this week. Mostly because wireless would NOT work in the hotel. grrrr.
The first day of eval went fine. Got some blood drawn (23 tubes) out of my port :) X-ray, EKG, and the heart cath meeting. Nothing too exciting that first day. But I did start to notice my shortness of breath and pain level were getting worse. I just thought it was stress due to the rigorous schedule.
So Tuesday after getting absolutely no sleep the night before being up all night from pain we called the coordinator to see if we could reschedule that morning's test for later in the day until I could manage my pain and breath somewhat comfortably. Let's just say by Wednesday I was not doing good at all. Luckily, I had my meeting with the Transplant Doc that morning and he decided he wanted to go ahead and admit me here at Duke for an exacerbation.
I am still completing the tests for transplant as an inpatient. Right now we are just focused on getting me better. Leave it to me to have an exacerbation during the most important hospital visit of my life, haha! I know I am in a great place though and they are taking wonderful care of me.
The transplant doc also came in this morning and said that he doesn't want me to go back home after this hospitalization. He says it is time for mom and I to relocate, start rehab, and get on the list. Which is really exciting!! But also I'm focused on just getting better right now! I couldn't be more pleased with the way things went and are still going this week. I know Duke is the place for me to get transplanted, I can feel it. The docs I've met so far are really great and the program here seems to be really great as well.
I will try my best to keep this thing updated now that I have Internet in my hospital room. But all in all, everything is right on track for new lungs soon :)
The Duke drs know what they're talking about! Pam and I stay at the Residence Inn when we're here, maybe that's where you'll end up. You'll have new lungs in no time!